Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tiger Communication

Tigers have a number of ways in which they communicate with each other. If you have a domestic cat then you are already familiar with several of them. For example they may arch their backs and put out the claws when they feel threatened or they are ready to fight. This is a great way to get other tigers and other animals in the area to back away from them so they don’t have to engage in a fight. They would rather warn them instead of engaging in fighting.

They can be seen with their ears back, their heads up high, the paws in place, and the teeth showing. These are all prime indicators that the tiger is ready to pounce on something that it has seen. If they are merely curious though about other animals or tigers in the area they will have their ears up and their tail held up high instead of the normal low laying position. This shows that they are on alert but not feeling threatened at that time.

The tail has a scent gland found it that they may rub on each other as well. This type of communication is used to help them recognize each other. It can also be used by males and females should they decide to take part in mating with each other. There are also glands found between the toes that can leave scents as well. In fact, this is how the females will communicate to the males that they are in estrus which is the frame of time when their bodies are ready to mate.

They are also verbal communicators as well. Some people assume that the roar is only something that the lion does but it is also one of the tiger as well. The males may use it to find mates or to warn other males to get out of their territory. Due to the amazing sense of hearing they have, it is believed that these roars can be heard up to 2 miles in distance. This means they can draw other tigers that live in the area but that aren’t in their immediate territory.

Moaning is another type of communication that tigers use. This is believed to be a type of gentle coaxing. The mothers are often going to use it to get their young to follow their directions and to try new things. Males may use moaning during the courting process to help the females feel more relaxed. This helps them to feel woed instead of threatened.

They will often be heard snarling when they feel they are in danger. A mother is very likely to use this form of communication to keep other animals and even tiger males away from her offspring. Snarling and hissing are common too when other tigers are attempting to cash in on a meal that another has claimed as their own.

Purring is the type of communication that most people are familiar with when it comes to the tiger. This is generally believed to be a sign of contentment. Tigers are also able to meow just like domestic cats.

Due to the isolated regions where tigers generally reside, there is still a great deal we don’t know about their communication. Those in captivity are generally fine with living in a group of two at the most. More than that though is going to create issues with tigers being harmed or killed. Even in a zoo setting you will find that they tend to leave each other alone and to have their own territory that they cover in the shared area.

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