osprey , common name for a bird of prey related to the hawk and the New World vulture and found near water in most parts of the world. The American osprey, or fish hawk, Pandion haliaetus, has white underparts and a wingspread of 5 to 6 ft (152 to 183 cm). It feeds solely on live fish and is usually seen hovering over the water, into which it plunges feet first to grasp its prey. Ospreys are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, order Falconiformes, family Pandionidae.
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Monday, March 29, 2010
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) with fish
osprey , common name for a bird of prey related to the hawk and the New World vulture and found near water in most parts of the world. The American osprey, or fish hawk, Pandion haliaetus, has white underparts and a wingspread of 5 to 6 ft (152 to 183 cm). It feeds solely on live fish and is usually seen hovering over the water, into which it plunges feet first to grasp its prey. Ospreys are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, order Falconiformes, family Pandionidae.

whale aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, found in all oceans of the world. Members of this order vary greatly in size and include the largest animals that have ever lived. Cetaceans never leave the water, even to give birth. Although their ancestry has been much debated, DNA studies and skeletal evidence from extinct early whales indicate that whales evolved from the ancestors of artiodactyls, a group that includes hippopotamuses, cows, pigs, and deer.
Characteristics and Behavior
Like other mammals, whales breathe air, are warm-blooded, and produce milk to feed their young. Their adaptations for aquatic life include a streamlined form, nearly hairless skin, and an insulating layer of blubber, which can be as thick as 28 in. (70 cm) in some Arctic species. The forelimbs of whales are modified into flippers, and the hind legs are reduced to internal vestiges. Many species possess
Killerwhales jumping.jpg

killer whale or grampus, a large, rapacious marine mammal, Orcinus orca, of the dolphin family. Male killer whales may reach a length of 30 ft (9 m) and females half that length. The killer whale is black above, with a sharply contrasting white oval patch around each eye; its belly is white with white markings projecting up along the animal's sides. It has a high, triangular dorsal fin midway between head and tail, and broad, paddle-shaped flippers. The killer whale is worldwide in distribution. It is a swift and ferocious animal, armed with more than four dozen sharp teeth, and is the only cetacean (see whale ) that feeds regularly on birds or mammals. Killer whales eat seals, sea birds, and fish, and in packs they will even attack larger whales. The female gives birth to a single calf, up to 7 ft (2.1 m) long, following a gestation period of approximately one year. Females
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dog Pink Eye
Wondering about ways to treat your dog's pink eye? Pink eye in dogs can cause a lot of discomfort and itchiness. Read on to know more about dog pink eye.

Symptoms of Dog Pink Eye
As far as the symptoms are concerned, a dog afflicted with pink eye will have bloodshot eyes accompanied with irritated or inflamed eyelids. Dog pink eye causes the eyelids to become puffy and the surrounding tissue gets inflamed. In case of severe eyelid inflammation, your dog might have problems in blinking or might not be able to open his eyes. Sometimes, the dog's pink eye might be accompanied by a thick, pus-filled dog eye discharge. Read more on:
- Dog Eye Infection
- Dog Eye Problems
In case, the color of your dog's eye has turned pink and it's accompanied by discharge along with irritated and puffy eyes, your dog's conjunctiva might have got infected. It could be caused if a foreign substance has fallen into his eyes. Wash his eyes with water to get rid of the irritant or foreign substance. Are you wondering whether this infection might affect you? Don't worry, a dog's pink eye is not contagious to humans. If the problem persists and your dog has severe inflammation of the mucous membranes along with other symptoms of dog pink eye, it would be advisable to take your dog to a vet. The vet might examine scrapings of the conjunctiva or the discharge to determine if it has been caused by a virus. A culture or sensitivity test would indicate whether the infection is bacterial in nature or not. Schirmer's test might throw some light on the quantity and quality of his tears. After the nature of infection has been determined, the vet might prescribe dog pink eye drops or dog pink eye antibiotic ointments to treat the eye infection. Read more on:
- Dog Illnesses
- Dog Eye Drops
If your dog's conjunctiva is inflamed, you could follow these home remedies to give your dog some respite from discomfort. Take a soft cloth and dampen it with warm water and clean your dog's eyes gently, wiping away the discharge. Do this at least 3-4 times to ease your dog's discomfort. Warm compress is another method to provide relief from dog pink eye. Make sure you don't use hot water for the compress, you might end up hurting your pet even more. So, take a clean cloth and dampen it with lukewarm water. Place the cloth very gently over your dog's eye, you must not apply too much pressure. If both eyes are infected, make sure you use a separate cloth for both eyes. In case, your dog feels no relief and these remedies are not working, make sure you visit a vet soon. Delay in treatment might lead to a scratched cornea. You could also consult the vet and put artificial tears to wash off the dirt from your pet's eyes. Keep your pet's eyes clean and trim your dog's long hair( if any) around his eyes to reduce the chances of hair irritating the eye.
Japanese Chin Dog
The Japanese chin dog is a popular toy breed, and is a great choice as a family pet. Find out all about the Japanese chin dog here.

Appearance and Temperament
As mentioned before, the Japanese chin dog is a small and fragile dog, with a height that may range between 8 inches to 11 inches, while weight which will be between 4 pounds to 11 pounds. Its face is flat, and has large eyes that are set wide apart, while its coat is long, soft and silky. An interesting observation is that the tiny frame can make choosing Japanese chin dog names relatively easy, tempting you to give it all sort of 'cute nothing' names.
The Japanese chin dog makes a great companion dog, simply because of its intelligent, affectionate and playful nature. It is alert, and warms up to every family member in the house. It enjoys being with its owner, following it around, and cuddling up at every opportunity. At times they may be wary of strangers, but mostly gel well with almost anyone around, including children and other pets. Though they love to be independent, they are sensitive and enjoy being with their owners. They are very obedient and quick learners and thus, can be easily trained. As such, they would make a great option for newbies who wish to adopt a dog for a pet. However, since they are fragile, they would not make great companions for very young children, as they may not be able to deal with the rough manner in which children usually handle pets. Also, they may suffer from separation anxiety, and thus require a good amount of attention. Exposing them to different people and environments will make them accustomed to change without getting anxious.
Regular Care, Environment and Health
Taking care of a Japanese chin dog involves the following:
- Combing its coat at least twice a week, to keep it tangle free.
- Shampooing occasionally as it keeps itself clean.
- Keeping the eyes and ears clean at all times to prevent the occurrence of infections.
- Taking it for short walks daily, and spending 'play time' with it.
- The Japanese chin dog is prone to heavy shedding, so that is something you may have to get used to.
This fragile dog breed may be prone to the following dog health problems.
- Since it is a flat-nosed dog breed, it is prone to several breathing and heart problems.
- It is important to avoid extreme temperature conditions with this breed, mainly heat, as it cannot adapt to very hot and humid conditions.
- Genetically, a Japanese chin may be prone to knee problems such as dislocation.
- Since its eyes are large, they can be easily scratched that may go on to become serious ulcerations.
- Japanese chin dog allergies may be few and seasonal.
- Also, as it is a small breed, it is at a higher risk of developing low sugar levels, especially as a puppy, till it matures.
- The small size also contributes to a whelping problem among this breed.
So if you've decided to get yourself this wonderful little companion, rush to any of the Japanese chin dog breeders in your locality, and enjoy the company of this breed of Japanese royalty!
Porcupine Puffer Fish
The porcupine puffer fish is similar to the porcupine fish in many ways. Read on to know more on puffer fish information, care and maintenance.

Porcupine Puffer Fish Information
In its usual or normal state, the porcupine puffer fish looks similar to a small baseball bat. It grows up to 12 inches (30 cms) in length and has a single dorsal fin. The spine of the porcupine puffer fish is lighter than that of the porcupine fish or the blowfish. The name of the fish itself speaks a lot about its physical characteristics. As the body of the fish is covered with sharp spines which, in some species, are even poisonous; it is known as a porcupine fish. Similarly, one of the distinct adaptations of the porcupine puffer fish is that it has an ability to inflate its body to almost double its size to protect itself from predators. As this fish is unable to swim faster, it has been gifted by this unique mechanism. When a predator attacks the porcupine puffer fish, the fish inflates its body by inhaling air or water which makes it grow larger in size and makes its spine protrude from its body. Other fish cannot grip or bite the inflated body of the puffer fish and hence, it is protected from its enemy.
Porcupine Puffer Care
These fish can be petted and kept in aquariums at home. However, they need special care and maintenance if you wish them to live a long and a healthy life. Firstly, the porcupine puffer fish inflate themselves immediately when they feel threatened and hence, it can be difficult to take them out of water or move them. In this case, you need to transfer them to a bag of water and later put them in an aquarium. Puffer fish, similar to the porcupine fish, are carnivores and feed on crustaceans. Their favorite food includes crabs, sea urchins, snails and mollusks. If you wish to keep these fish as pets, it is essential to know their compatibility with other fishes. Porcupine puffer fish compatibility with other fish is usually ambiguous. Sometimes, they may live cordially or sometimes they even turn aggressive. Wrasses and tangs, up to some extent, can be good porcupine puffer fish tank mates. However, it is better to keep porcupine puffer fish with the same species in an aquarium. Do not ever include any crustaceans in the aquarium alongside puffer fish as crustaceans are the latter's staple diet.
Porcupine Puffer Fish Facts
Here's some information as regards their taxonomy and general tips on how to rear them.
- Family: Diodontidae
- Order: Tetraodontiformes
- Scientific name: Diodon holacanthus
- Porcupine puffer fish are nocturnal creatures that hunt and feed at night whereas remain hiding in the crevices during the day.
- These fish are the non-threatened creatures in aquatic life.
- Puffer fish are poisonous and should not be consumed as it can result in death of the individual. However, in some parts of the world, these are eaten as delicacies where their poisonous parts are removed by trained chefs.
- Some of the species of puffer fish are also found in warm fresh waters.
- The exact form of reproduction and spawning habits of these fish are unknown. However, it is believed that the fertilized eggs hatch on the surface of the sea and only when they grow into small fish, they enter the reef.
The porcupine fish and the porcupine puffer fish are always amazing to watch because of their unique features. However, one should remember to take care of the fish and not let it get inflated frequently as it can harm the fish internally.
Long Haired Cats
Long, fluffy coats are the trademark of long haired cats. If you are searching for some information on types of long haired cats breeds, then the following article will prove to be useful.

The long haired cat breeds have a mixed ancestry and arrived in America with pilgrims on the Mayfair. They became the forefathers of the American domestic short hair cats. They are genetically similar to the domestic short haired cat breeds and only differ in one recessive long-coat gene. This gene was inherited by domestic longhair cats. The types of long haired cat breeds are known for their fluffy coats. Let us see some of the types of long haired cat breeds.
Types of Long Haired Cat Breeds
The following is a list of types of long haired cat breeds that will help you know the names of these beautiful cats.
- American bobtail cat
- Angora cat
- Asian Semi-long haired cat (or Tiffanie)
- Balinese cat
- Birman cat
- Chantilly/Tiffany cat
- Cherubim cat (or Honeybear cat)
- Colourpoint Long haired cat
- Exotic cat
- Himalayan cat
- Javanese cat
- Maine Coon cat
- Nebelung cat
- Norwegian Forest cat
- Oriental Longhair cat
- Persian cat
- Ragdoll cat (and Ragamuffin cat)
- Siberian cat
- Somali cat
- Sterling cat
- Turkish Van cat
- Turkish Angora cat
- York Chocolate cat
Long haired cats require a lot of grooming to keep their coats free of mats and mess. There are certain long haired cat breeds that require daily grooming like the Persian cats or Himalayan cats. Other cat breeds like the Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest cat requires grooming twice a week. Other cat breeds like the Balinese, Birman, Cymric, Somali and Ragdoll require once a week grooming.
You need to begin the grooming process from an early age to help your cat get used to it. Grooming is the best time to help build a bond between yourself and your cat. You should carry out regular long haired cat grooming as it helps remove the dead hair. If these hair is not removed, it will form hair balls in the cat’s stomach. It also helps remove dead skin, dander, tomes muscles and helps in blood circulation. The long haired cats shedding is generally two times a year. They may shed in fall their summer coat so that they may develop their heavy winter coat. Or in spring when they shed their winter coat to prepare for the light summer coat.
Long Haired Cats Shaving
Among the long haired cats that don’t shed are Ragdoll cats. They generally shed less than the other cats. Thus, they can cause less long haired cats allergies. Also, long haired cats tend to get poop stuck under their tail hair. Thus, long haired cat shaving under the tail is necessary. Also, long haired cats shaving helps prevent complications with long hair that includes difficult grooming sessions and matted hair. You can read more on non shedding cat breeds.
The long haired cats shaving is also known as ‘lion cut’. The best thing to do is, take your cat to a professional groomer or vet for shaving. This is to help minimize the stress you and your cat may undergo. Also, shaving long haired cats reduces shedding, allergies and keeps the cat clean and reduces matting.
This was a bit of information on long haired cats breeds. They are great for owners who are willing to do regular long haired cat grooming. If you are ready for a long haired cat and the cat care responsibilities, then long haired cat breeds will prove to be great pets.
Grooming Havanese Dogs
Grooming Havanese dogs is very important to keep their wavy, flowing coat as it is. Before you bring home a Havanese dog, keep in mind that this dog requires a lot of dog grooming care. The following article will cover some of the Havanese grooming tips for this wonderful dog.

Grooming Havanese Puppies
You need to begin grooming Havanese puppies by getting them used to the grooming table. You should keep a rubber mat or carpet to prevent the dog from slipping. You need to follow some dog training tips to teach your Havanese puppies to lie down or stand. They need to feel relaxed and you should give them a lot of attention. You should keep scratching behind the ears or chest and keep a hand under the stomach while grooming Havanese puppies. This helps calm the animal and build confidence in the young pup as you comb through his coat. Thus, grooming Havanese puppies helps them learn early on that grooming is a pleasurable experience and a routine that he has to follow. Be sure you give dog treats and praise him a lot for good behavior after grooming Havanese dogs.
Grooming Havanese Dogs
We will now learn in detail about grooming Havanese dogs. Let us begin with brushing and clipping. Brushing is very important at it will help keep your dog's coat in a top condition. Brushing helps remove the dead hair and thus, keep the dog low shedding. It also helps provide a gentle massage to the dog and improves blood circulation. This also gives you ample opportunity to watch out for a flea or tick infestation or some hidden injuries. If needed, you can give your dog a bimonthly clip and it is always better to visit a professional groomer rather than doing it yourself.
Next comes bathing the Havanese dogs. Bathing depends on the color and lifestyle of the dog. If you have a white Havanese dog that gets to spend more time outdoors, it is better to give him a weekly wash. A Havanese dog that generally lives indoors will not require bathing as often as an active dog.
You will see that Havanese dogs with a bright white coat develop red or discolored hair around the eyes. You need to wash the skin with a soft cotton ball or cloth near the eye. The discoloration will reduce with regular cleaning. The long, floppy ears need to be cleaned regularly to avoid dog ear infections. You should clean the ears with a washcloth and cotton swab and remover the hair in the ears with tweezers or your fingers. Do not go deep into the ear canal or you may injure the dog.
To avoid plaque building up in the teeth of your dog, you need to brush the Havanese teeth and gums regularly. You should use special dog toothpaste to brush Havanese dog teeth. Nails need to be clipped regularly or they will grow too long. It is always better to visit a professional groomer for dog nail clipping to avoid injury. You should also ask them to clip the fur on the paw as it may form a cushion like layer and cause the dog to slip on a smooth surface. You can read more on dog grooming tips.
You can even get a haircut for your Havanese dog. Many owners go in for Havanese grooming styles like puppy cut, teddy bear or drop coat trim. The dog ends up looking like a cute, cuddly stuffed toy that will earn a lot of 'Ooh's' and 'Ooo's' and 'Soooo Cute' from admirers. You need to continue brushing, combing and grooming Havanese dogs couple of times a week. This will help prevent mats and tangles in the coat. This was a very brief explanation on Havanese grooming tips that will help you maintain the adorable looks of your Havanese dog.
Clipping Dog Nails
Its time for clipping dog nails when you hear them clicking on the floor or getting snagged in the carpet. The following article will serve as a guide to clipping dog nails, thereby helping amateurs do the job well.

When you hear click click on the floor, it means it's time for clipping dog nails. Do not put off trimming dog nails till your next visit to the vet. You can observe the vet while he clips dog nails and understand how to do it yourself. Once you are confident enough you should begin clipping dog nails yourself. The following paragraphs will serve as a guide to clipping dog nails. You can read more on dog grooming tips.
How to Trim Dog Nails
You need to buy clippers that are specially designed for dogs. You should bring a strong claw cutter for bigger dog breeds. You should keep a small file handy to file down jagged edges. Also keep a styptic pen around, just in case you clip into the dog's nerves.
The Dog Nail Anatomy
It is very important to understand the structure of a dog nail before clipping dog nails. The dog's nail is made of a hard outer covering and an inner soft part. The hard part protects the inner soft part as it contains blood vessels and nerve endings. You can see faint pink colored nerves in light colored dog nails. If your dog has a black or dark colored nail, the pink part will be almost invisible. This makes it very difficult while trimming dog nails. You need to just clip off the nibbles instead of the nail as you cannot see the delicate nerve endings.
While clipping keep checking for a dark spot in the middle of the clipped nail. This is the start of the nerve endings and if you clip further you may hurt the dog. In case of dark nails, look out for a pale third inner circle. This means you need to stop clipping here. You also need to clip the dew claws that are inside the legs and these may curl in leading to lot of pain. You need to trim them too.
Guide to Clipping Dog Nails
You need to help the dog relaxed and make him lie down on a table. Make sure you place a rubber mat over the table to avoid slipping of the dog while sleeping or standing. You need to call in some help if your dog is too big or fidgety, to hold him in place. If the dog is used to clipping from puppyhood or is as calm as an angel, you can carry out clipping dog nails single-handedly.
Now, make sure the clipping tool is sharp enough to avoid any kind of pain to the animal. You should begin clipping dog nail from under the dog's claw upwards. Do not clip the nails downward. Place the tool in the right place and once your dog is steady enough, squeeze firmly and the nail will come off.
You should position the clippers just a little above the pink tissue. If needed, file the remaining nail to a shorter length. You need to carry out clipping dog nails very gently and slowly to avoid cutting off blood vessels and nerves.
If you have cut off the nerve ends by accident, quickly apply pressure with styptic powder or pad. If you do not have styptic powder, baby powder and cotton ball will do. Do not wipe off the tip of the nail after the bleeding stops. Do not allow the dog to lick the wound as it will cause infections. Also, the dog may be a bit hyper due to the pain and you need to help him relax. If the bleeding continues for more than 5 or 7 minutes, it's time to call in the vet immediately.
You need to carry out trimming of dog nails once or twice a month. Trimming dog nails is very important to maintain proper health and hygiene of the dog's feet. Long nails may get stuck in the carpet or sofas and break. This will cause a lot of pain, bleeding and may lead to infections. Also, ingrown nails do not paint a healthy dog picture. A little attention on your side will help save you and your dog a lot of trouble. I hope this article on clipping dog nails proves to be helpful.
Cataracts in Cats
Cataracts in cats can strike a feline at any age. As a pet owner you need to be aware of the signs of cataracts in cats to help your animal overcome this condition with timely medical help. The following article on cataracts in cats will help you detect any signs of this eye disorder.

A cataract clouds the lens that prevents the lens from functioning as it normally does. This clouding initially does not cause much problems, but as more part of the lens get involved, the vision of the cat gets blurred. Then the entire lens gets opaque and the eye losses vision. You can read more on cat eye infection
Causes of Cataracts in Cats
There are many causes of cataracts in cats that may be inherited or due to some other diseases. Many cataracts in cats develop due to inflammation of the eye, trauma or other eye disorders. Cataracts in cats are rarely inherited and may be seen along with abnormal development of the lens. Nutritional abnormalities may be the cause of cataracts in young cats. Cataracts in cats is often due to aging and does not cause total blindness.
Symptoms of Cataracts in Cats
The following are some of the signs of cataracts in cats that will help you know if your cat is developing cataracts.
- Bluish, gray, or white color development on the inside of the eye
- Tendency to bump into things
- The cat is reluctant to use stairs or jump up onto objects
- The cat is hesitant to move about in unfamiliar environments
- The cat may start squinting its eye
- Redness, or inflammation of the eye
If you observe any of the symptoms of cataracts in cats, take your cat to the vet immediately. The vet will be able to diagnose the condition as cataract and help provide the necessary treatment. There is no method to clear the lens but the vet may carry out surgery to remove the cataracts. The cost of cataract surgery in cats may range from $1,500 to $3,000 that covers pre-op analysis, surgery and post-surgery checkups. The vet may also advise anti-inflammatory medicines along with antibiotics that will help reduce the inflammation.
Future of Cats with Cataracts
Cats with cataracts will quickly learn to adapt to their physical condition. They have strong sense of smell or hearing that will help compensate for vision loss. As a pet owner, you need to keep your cat's environment stable and not move around the furniture. You should keep the food dish and water tray in the same location at all times. Even the litter box should not be moved. You should try and keep the cat indoors at all times. You can read more on cat health.
This was a brief information on cataracts in cats. You need to take good pet care to keep your cat happy and secure. I hope this article on cataracts in cats helps solve some of your queries related to cats and cataracts.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
African Clawed Frog Facts
African Clawed Frog Facts
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Mandrill Facts
Mandrill Facts
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